Monday 20 February 2017

Is fighting Good or Bad???

Is fighting Good or Bad???
I think fight is good and bad but both it different ways. I think is only a good thing to fight but only if it's things like on tv and self-defense, What I mean by self-defense is if some came up to you and pushed you over and jumped you and started hitting you I would throw them off me and try get away. Jumping and pushing someone is bad and throwing the person off you isn’t that bad.

The bad thing about fighting is like street fight and fights at school I don't like. The type of fighting I don't like is someone going up to a person hurting them and keep doing it. What I personally think is maybe if they do it you do it to them once and they might stop, But they might stop doing it to you but go to it to someone else. Doing this time of fighting is bad and you are making the wrong choices and being a very bad bully.

You have probably seen or heard about the fighting on tv. Well that fighting is good. They are doing it for fun and it's their job to fight, They train nearly every day for about 2 hours and learn how to take hits. And if it was bad it would not be on tv.

This is what I think about fighting. And I hope you have changed your whole idea about fighting.

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